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Adhesion-Promoting Agent

  • Mobile agents are agents that can physically travel across a network, and perform tasks on machines that provide agent hosting capability. In this paper, the technology behind mobile agents is examined, and an analysis of its uses and implications is offered.
  • Information about multi-agent Systems technology for enterprise computing from Magenta Technology.
  • Information on FIPA standards for interoperability among software agent platforms
  • A collection of web pages on intelligent software agents, knowbots, KQML, SATP, active information integration and agent-oriented systems.
  • A collection of web pages on intelligent software agents, knowbots, KQML, SATP, active information integration and agent-oriented systems
  • Specifications of the Agent Communication Language. The FIPA is a consortium of experts providing specifications and recommendations for agent technologies.
  • Free framework for mobile agents implemented in Java.
  • A mobile agent system. Technical description and code download.
  • Agent building software and related information
  • Classic Paper describing the history and various categories of Intelligent Software Agents.
  • Research project on agent multi-agent coordination and planning.
  • Based on popular games, the aim is to simulate a world of autonomous agents. The goal of the players is then to program agents or parameter meta-simulators, and then watch them evolve.
  • Research group at the MIT Media Lab developing techniques and building prototype agent systems.
  • An intelligent agent development platform. It provides a Java based programming environment using the BDI (Belief, Desire, Intention) agent model.
  • Animated human like characters that live on your desktop as your personal interactive companion and assistant capable of speech and doing tasks for you using Microsoft Agent Technology.
  • The Aglets Software Development Kit (ASDK) is a framework and environment for researching and developing mobile agents.
  • A flexible and easy to extendable Mobile Agents System written in Java. [Open source, LGPL]
  • Homepage of the IPMS project. Provides an extension for developing mobile agents on the JADE platform.
  • Introduction aux agents intelligents, aux agents conversationnels (chatterbot) et à leurs utilisation dans le domaine de la veille stratégique.
  • Provides services for insurance agents, including web design, leads, and email marketing.
  • Surface Modifying Agent

    Cross-linking Agent

    Adhesion-Promoting Agent
